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Giving Joy Her Rightful Place

I have already watched the new Inside Out 2 movie twice—once with my children and another time by myself. I cried both times. If you ask me, it's an unparalleled masterpiece. It so accurately depicts how unnecessary stress sends Joy to the back of the mind and gives Anxiety all the power. We've all been there. Our kids will sadly grow up and get there, too. But we have the power to let Joy linger a while longer.

In today's fast-paced world, where screens dominate, and schedules dictate, it's easy to forget the simple joys of childhood—like running barefoot in the grass, exploring under a canopy of trees, or crafting something with your own hands. At our microschool, we've made it our mission to bring these joys back into the daily lives of young learners, making nature and hands-on activities central to their educational experience.

The Power of Nature and Movement

Imagine a school day where children start by greeting the sun, engaging in outdoor activities that stimulate their senses and energize their bodies. In our microschool, we've integrated regular time in nature into the curriculum. Whether it's gardening, tending to the animals in farm school, or simply playing outdoor games, every child gets to experience the wonder of the natural world firsthand.

Universal Design for Learning

At the heart of our approach lies the Universal Design for Learning—a philosophy that recognizes and accommodates all learning styles. We understand that each child learns differently, whether through visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile means. Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive, ensuring that every student can thrive and excel in their own unique way.

Hands-On Learning and Creativity

In our classrooms, you won't find rows of desks facing a chalkboard. Instead, you'll see children actively engaged in hands-on activities—building structures, conducting experiments, or creating artwork. We believe in the power of learning by doing, where children not only absorb knowledge but also apply it in meaningful ways.

Socialization and Joy

School shouldn't just be a place of learning; it should be a place where friendships bloom, and laughter echoes through the halls. In our microschool, socialization is woven into the fabric of each day. Children collaborate on projects, share ideas during group discussions, and learn the importance of empathy and teamwork.

Bringing Joy Back to Childhood

Perhaps most importantly, we believe in bringing joy back into the school day. Childhood is a precious time, and we want our students to cherish every moment spent with us. Whether it's through storytelling, outdoor play, or simply allowing time for unstructured exploration, we strive to create an environment where curiosity is nurtured and happiness flourishes.

Our microschool is more than just a place of education—it's a sanctuary where children can reconnect with nature, explore their interests, and forge lifelong friendships. By embracing the principles of Universal Design for Learning and prioritizing hands-on, joyful learning experiences, we hope to inspire a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. We want to see joy lead the way for as long as possible.

Join us in celebrating the wonder of childhood and the limitless potential of young minds. Together, let's create a brighter future—one where education is synonymous with joy, creativity, and a deep appreciation for the world around us.

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