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Welcome to Lucas Literacy Lab


We'd love to hear from you! 

What is a Microschool?

Imagine a one-room schoolhouse mixed with a Google co-working space, and you'll land on a micro-school. Microschools provide homeschoolers a home away from home with a community and enrichment opportunities to enhance their home education experience. Parents also benefit from the microschool community, with a built-in grade team to help navigate home education. 

Is this a resource for homeschoolers or is it a private school?

Everyone is welcome! Lucas Literacy Lab is a hybrid learning center. Students can enroll full-time or part-time.  Homeschooling families can send in their chosen curriculum for students to work on with some support from a teacher. Students' prior learning environment does not determine their acceptance to Lucas Literacy Lab. 

Why literacy-based?

Literacy incorporates reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In a communication-driven world, we believe communicating effectively is paramount to success in any industry. Students read many high-quality books and regularly present their creative projects, findings, and ideas. Peer reviews build students' comfort with feedback, and unit studies such as The Power of Graphics help them find multiple ways to convey ideas, priming them to be strong leaders. 

Why project-driven?

Real-world applications and collaborative projects help students remain engaged and retain what they are learning. It also boosts creativity, increases confidence, and teaches resourcefulness. 

What is the yearly schedule?

We follow the public school schedule for Middlesex County.

Who can attend?

Lucas Literacy Lab is open to students between 6 and 13. The teachers at Lucas Literacy Lab pose questions and support students as they discover the answers and present their findings in creative ways. There are no limits on creative presentations demonstrating understanding. 

Is there testing or homework?

We do not administer any end-of-unit tests or homework. Students demonstrate understanding through projects and presentations. Students also complete self-assessments and peer reviews throughout the year. 

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